Cuartel de Artillería is a cultural and artistic creation and production centre belonging to the Murcia City Council’s Cultural Department. Through open spaces and the development of cultural and creative activities, the Cuartel de Artillería Centre allows the exchange of opinions, reflections and perspectives, creating enriching and motivating experiences for citizens. The two pavilions that make up the centre, measuring over 5,400 square metres, put multipurpose rooms at the disposal of the public, of artists and of cultural creators, welcoming creative thinking in all its disciplines and artistic manifestations. The activities carried out in centre are related to production and debate, adapting to different formats and times in order to respond to different interests and participation possibilities.
The centre promotes research, development and innovation, articulating projects in collaboration with universities, technology centres and private companies with the aim of jointly managing and promoting culture.
As a centre we strive to remain at the forefront of current trends and needs in the cultural field, and therefore at the Cuartel de Artillería Centre we understand the importance of having good connectivity, something that we incorporate into our strategy, which revolves around a transversal digital culture and training in this field. To achieve this, we ensure to maintain a solid offer in research, training and digital and audiovisual creation.
In short, we want to take on the challenge of creating the ideal conditions to promote both the production and the dissemination of contemporary creation and culture, rethinking the role of art in everyday life and experimenting with other ways of relating to the artistic community and its insertion in society.
The Cuartel de Artillería Centre houses different projects and cultural institutions. Our shared mission is to contribute to the development of the creative and critical capacity of Murcian society, promoting creative and participatory leisure and helping to consolidate the artistic fabric of the city, whilst projecting it abroad.
This broad mission welcomes and inspires the missions of the different projects and institutions that make up the Centre:
the main mission of this initiative is to allow artists and creatives to continue producing and creating projects even in a situation of confinement or reduced mobility, impulsing the cultural production network in all its fields and promoting the use of digital tools to guarantee safe cultural consumption and production.
This project seeks to contribute to de growth and consolidation of the Murcian creative and artistic fabric, while providing the ideal conditions to promote production and dissemination of contemporary culture, rethinking the role of art in current society, and experimenting with other methods of artistic communication and its insertion in society. while providing the ideal conditions to promote production and dissemination of contemporary culture, rethinking the role of art in current society, and experimenting with other methods of artistic communication and its insertion in society.
this digital and audiovisual content platform was created with the mission of impulsing the Murcian audiovisual sector and, in turn, offering support to the companies and professionals that conform said industry, facilitating their development and expansion on a local, national and European level. It also seeks to democratise culture through the exhibition of high quality audiovisual heritage, made freely accesible and available to all audiences.
the experimental music and sound archive has the mission of placing at the disposal of all citizens an immense collection of sound art and experimental music, digitalised and accesible both physically and remotely. In this sense, it is a space dedicated to preserving, disseminating, investigating, and promoting experimental music and sound art, while becoming a space for consultation, exchange and listening.
The mission of IBAFF – Murcia International Film Festival is to provide Murcian audiences with a cinematographic offer comprised of pieces that, given their hybrid nature in genre, tend to be ostracised by conventional commercial circuits. In short, the mission is to offer the viewer a cinematographic experience that goes beyond mere entertainment.
PIC – The Cuartel de Artillería Centre’s Infant Project’s main mission is to ensure that culture and the arts are a fundamental part of our community from an early age, protecting minors via systems and tools that promote the quality of the cultural products for children and creating opportunities for minors to experience arts in a way that allows them to develop their creativity, promote a sense of belonging within culture in the city of Murcia, and generally provide resources and environments that allow them to develop their potential.
Sensitivity and respect towards the arts.
At the Cuartel de Artillería Centre, we understand that we work with materials and elements that have a value that transcends materiality. We defend that its appreciation as an expression of the human condition is essential to give it the value it deserves within our society. For this reason, we always keep in mind that we work with world heritage that has a value that we strive to transmit to the public in all our activities.
Supporting talent and artistic creation.
As a centre that revolves around artistic production and creation, one of our main values is to contribute to the consolidation and growth of Murcia’s artistic and creative fabric. To this end, within our residency programs and open calls for proposals for creation and research, we provide artists and creators suitable with resources and conditions to promote both the production and the dissemination of contemporary creation and culture.
Education and dissemination
One of the main strategic lines of the Cuartel de Artillería Centre is education, especially that focused on children and based on an informal, interdisciplinary and interactive experience, with the purpose of expanding humanistic horizons and serving as personal enrichment for our visitors.
Social commitment
At the centre we want to position ourself as an element of dynamisation, open not only to other cultural institutions and creators, but to all audiences regardless of age, gender or origin, favouring the diversity and activity of the closest artistic community as much as possible. This will be done through the programming of inclusive and also specific activities, aimed at audiences that in other contexts are left excluded from cultural programming. The Cuartel de Artillería Centre, which is already the centre of reference of the Murcia Conexión Sur project, wants to become a symbol of the vitality of the entire city of Murcia, contributing to economic revitalisation, urban regeneration and social incentive, serving as a vehicle for cultural dissemination in our society, educating in the values of tolerance, openness and respect through art.
Innovation and avantgarde
From the Cuartel de Artillería Centre, we intend to to give keys to understanding the profound changes that the use of technology and digital media are bringing to our society and that are already underway, addressing their potential and risks, their opportunities and ethical dilemmas, always from a humanistic perspective. We ensure that new technologies, which require more open and transversal spaces, have room to develop their democratising potential in our city.